Kostnader i forbindelse med corona-tiltakene

Vi vet at corona-epidemien har ført til at mange er blitt syke og at mange har dødd. Men unge, (yngre enn 70) friske mennesker blir sjelden alvorlig syke, de som dør har som regel underliggende sykdommer, usunne vaner (dårlig kosthold, overvekt, er røykere) eller høy alder, og overdødeligheten er cirka 4 %. Sannsynligheten for å overleve for den som blir syk ligger på rundt 97 – 98 %.  

Disse tallene er ikke svært alvorlige. 

Tiltakene har også hatt svært negative konsekvenser. Dette er dog noe man aldri finner omtalt eller beskrevet i mainstreammedia. 

Heldigvis finnes det nå andre kilder. Vi har nettopp kommet over en bok som er kanskje noe overdrevet i sin kritikk av den politikken som alle regjeringer har ført, men der finner man en oversikt over negative utslag av tiltakene. 

Vi siterer nedenfor ganske mye fra denne bokens introduksjon. Boken er skrevet av Robert F. Kennedy jr. Hans fokus er at det er Anthony Fauci som er den hovedansvarlige for den politikken som er ført, et fokus vi vil si er svært overdrevet. 

Vi gir nedenfor ordet til Kennedy, men vil også oppfordre alle til å ta disse opplysningene med en klype salt. Kennedy oppgir kilder for alle sine påstander og så vidt vi kan se ser de tilstrekkelig seriøs ut til at vi kan viderebringe dem. Allikevel: vi gjentar oppfordringen om å ta detaljene med en klype salt. Vi vil allikevel dog si at i det store og hele er det bildet som Kennedy gir, korrekt. 

Anthony Fauci seems to have not considered that people died from isolation, unemployment, deferred medical care, depression, mental illness, obesity, stress, overdoses, suicide, addiction, alcoholism, and the accidents that so often accompany despair. We cannot dismiss the accusations that his lockdowns proved more deadly than the contagion….

A June 24, 2021 BMJ study showed that US life expectancy decreased by 1.9 years during the quarantine. Since COVID mortalities were mainly among the elderly, and the average age of death from COVID in the UK was 82.4, which was above the average lifespan, the virus could not by itself cause the astonishing decline. As we shall see, Hispanic and Black Americans often shoulder the heaviest burden of Dr. Fauci’s public health adventures. In this respect, his COVID-19 countermeasures proved no exception. Between 2018 and 2020, the average Hispanic American lost around 3.9 years in longevity, while the average lifespan of a Black American dropped by 3.25 years… 

As Dr. Fauci’s policies took hold globally, 300 million humans fell into dire poverty, food insecurity, and starvation. “Globally, the impact of lockdowns on health programs, food production, and supply chains plunged millions of people into severe hunger and malnutrition,” said Alex Gutentag in Tablet Magazine. According to the Associated Press (AP), during 2020, 10,000 children died each month due to virus-linked hunger from global lockdowns. In addition, 500,000 children per month experienced wasting and stunting from malnutrition—up 6.7 million from last year’s total of 47 million—which can “permanently damage children physically and mentally, transforming individual tragedies into a generational catastrophe.” In 2020, disruptions to health and nutrition services killed 228 000 children in South Asia. Deferred medical treatments for cancers, kidney failure and diabetes killed hundreds of thousands of people and created epidemics of cardiovascular disease and undiagnosed cancer. Unemployment shock is expected to cause 890,000 additional deaths over the next 15 years. …

The lockdown disintegrated vital food chains, dramatically increased rates of child abuse, suicide, addiction, alcoholism, obesity, mental illness, as well as debilitating developmental delays, isolation, depression, and severe educational deficits in young children. One-third of teens and young adults reported worsening mental health during the pandemic. According to an Ohio State University study, suicide rates among children rose 50 percent. An August 11, 2021 study by Brown University found that infants born during the quarantine were short, on average, 22 IQ points as measured by Baylor scale tests. Some 93,000 Americans died of overdoses in 2020—a 30 percent rise over 2019. Overdoses from synthetic opioids increased by 38.4 percent, and 11 percent of US adults considered suicide in June 2020. Three million children disappeared from public school systems, and ERs saw a 31 percent increase in adolescent mental healt visits, according to Gutentag. Record numbers of young children failed to reach crucial deveopmental milestones. Millions of hospital and nursing home patients died alone without comfort or a final goodbye from their families. Dr. Fauci admitted that he never assessed the costs of desolation, poverty, unhealthy isolation, and depression fostered by his countermeasures. “I don’t give advice about economic things, Dr. Fauci explained. “I don’t give advice about anything other than public health,” he continued, even though he was so clearly among those responsible for the economic and social costs….

During the COVID pandemic, Dr. Fauci served as ringmaster in the engineered demolition of America’s economy. His lockdown predictably shattered the nation’s once-booming economic engine, putting 58 million Americans out of work, and permanently bankrupting small businesses, including 41 percent of Black-owned businesses, some of which took generations of investment to build.The business closures contributed to a run-up in the national deficit—the interest payments alone will cost almost $1 trillion annually.42 That ruinous debt will likely permanently bankrupt the New Deal programs—the social safety net that, since 1945, fortified, nurtured, and sustained America’s envied middle-class. …

Dr. Fauci’s business closures pulverized America’s middle class and engineered the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history. In 2020, workers lost $3.7 trillion while billionaires gained $3.9 trillion. Some 493 individuals became new billionaires,4“ and an additional 8 million Americans dropped below the poverty line.48 The biggest winners were the robber barons—the very companies that were cheerleading Dr. Fauci’s lockdown and censoring his critics: Big Technology, Big Data, Big Telecom, Big Finance, Big Media behemoths (Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Viacom, and Disney), and Silicon Valley Internet titans like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Larry Ellison, and Jack Dorsey. …

With fears of COVID generously stoked, the dramatic and steady erosion of constitutional rights and fomenting of a global coup d’état against democracy, the demolition of our economy, the obliteration of a million small businesses, the collapsing of the middle class, the evisceration of our Bill of Rights, the tidal wave of surveillance capitalism and the rising biosecurity state, and the stunning shifts in wealth and power going to a burgeoning oligarchy of high-tech Silicon Valley robber barons seemed, to a dazed and uncritical America, like it might be a reasonable price
to pay for safety. And anyway, we were told, it’s just for 15 days, or maybe 15 months, or however long it takes for Dr. Fauci to “follow the data” to his answer. (Sitatene er fra bokens introduksjon).

Kennedys budskap er at det finnes billige og enkle medisiner som, hvis de blir riktig brukt, praktisk talt gjør coronaviruset ikke kan forårsake noen skade, og at Big Pharma i nært samarbeid med Big Tech med viten og vilje undertrykker denne medisinen for å heller selge sine dyre og sannsynligvis farlige medisiner gjennom statlige helseapparater. 

Dette er et budskap vi ikke kan slutte oss til. 

Vårt poeng her er å gjengi noe av det som finnes i Kennedys bok om de skadelige effektene av tiltakene. Vi slutter oss ikke til Kennedys påstander om at Fauci & Co bevisst driver massemord for å tjene penger. 





Kennedys bok koster mindre enn fire dollar på Kindle og kan overraskende nok kjøpes på amazon. 

2 kommentarer til «Kostnader i forbindelse med corona-tiltakene»

  1. Hei, Vegard.
    Takker for informative innlegg. Info vil bli gjenbrukt.
    Benytter anledningen til å ønske deg glade juledager og en riktig god Jul.

    Ser frem til å lese nye innlegg – ikke minst i 2022 som kan innebære noen «nye» store utfordringer ala storinvasjon i Ukraina, global økonomisk kollaps, kvinnelig president i USA med mer.
    «Time will tell».


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